About This Newsletter
1. The free version: Who’s it for?
Emerging and established food writers and bloggers. That includes:
freelance writers
cookbook authors
food media influencers and bloggers
students studying food writing
recipe developers
and people who want to get published.
Literary agents and editors of publications, websites and cookbooks also subscribe. And some people don’t fall into any of these categories but they like to hear from me. Especially writers in other fields.
What readers like best
I’m known for curated links about food writing trends and best practices from around the web. My job is to scour all kinds of websites, Facebook groups and publications so you don’t have to. Once a month, on your behalf, my newsletter lists
What’s new in our food writing and blogging world
Where to apply for awards and other support
Best practices for marketing your work
Curated how-to pieces on skill development.
You get a short essay from me on some aspect of food writing, and a list of my upcoming events. I might give advice and guidance, opinions, or I might just entertain y1ou
My free newsletter arrives once a month, so I won’t clog up your inbox.
Sign up to get full access. You’ll never miss a newsletter.
2. I have a paid newsletter too
My monthly paid newsletter arrives in your email mid-month. It focuses on the experts you want to hear from: An editor looking for writers, a famous food blogger on why she’s succeeded, and an agent discussing what she looks for in a pitch. These are just a few of the newsletters I’ve published, with many more in the works.
I do a monthly interactive chat for paid subscribers. It lets you comment on what you’re working on and what you want help with. Many people tell me their ideas for stories or cookbooks and I give feedback.
3. About me
I’m an author, writer, blogger, teacher, speaker and writing coach. I have a degree in journalism and started out in newspapers. My first food-writing job occured when I became the editor of a city restaurant magazine in my early 20s. Later I became a magazine editor, book editor and restaurant reviewer.
I’ve done some freelance writing too, particularly this piece, which won some awards and honors.
IN the 1990s I decided that, since I spent most of my career working with writers, I wanted to make that work my mission. I became a writing coach, specializing in food writing, particularly cookbook proposals. Book proposals have a 1 to 2 percent chance of success, and I know how to write one that succeeds. Here’s a list of books I’ve helped birth. And here’s what people say about working with me.
I wrote a multiple award-winning how-to book, Will Write for Food, currently in its fourth edition. I started a blog for food writers and bloggers in 2009, which is now on pause so I can do this newsletter instead.
Stay up-to-date
Remember FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)? You won’t have to miss anything that’s happening in the food writing and blogging world. I will get to it all! Every new edition of my free monthly newsletter goes directly to your inbox. It comes out on the first of the month.
So what are you waiting for? It’s free. And if you like the idea of supporting me with a paid newsletter, subscribe for only $40 per year. That’s only $3.33 per month for solid information you can use.
Where to find me
Email: dj@diannej.com
Instagram: @diannemjacob