On the cookbook front I'm really enjoying Sri Lankan cooking with the Hoppers Restaurant cookbook, and whilst I'm not specifically focusing on a blog at the moment to cook from if I need a recipe that works I always search Smitten Kitchen and Joy The Baker first!
Also from my side of the pond on FODMAPs have you come across She Can't Eat …
On the cookbook front I'm really enjoying Sri Lankan cooking with the Hoppers Restaurant cookbook, and whilst I'm not specifically focusing on a blog at the moment to cook from if I need a recipe that works I always search Smitten Kitchen and Joy The Baker first!
Also from my side of the pond on FODMAPs have you come across She Can't Eat What? (https://shecanteatwhat.com/) - I have her book too (I and my immediate household can eat what we want but my extended family live up to the Eastern European Jewish weak digestion stereotype with a few FODMAP necessary diagnoses thrown in!) and there are some delicious recipes in there.
On the cookbook front I'm really enjoying Sri Lankan cooking with the Hoppers Restaurant cookbook, and whilst I'm not specifically focusing on a blog at the moment to cook from if I need a recipe that works I always search Smitten Kitchen and Joy The Baker first!
Also from my side of the pond on FODMAPs have you come across She Can't Eat What? (https://shecanteatwhat.com/) - I have her book too (I and my immediate household can eat what we want but my extended family live up to the Eastern European Jewish weak digestion stereotype with a few FODMAP necessary diagnoses thrown in!) and there are some delicious recipes in there.
Wow, no I have not seen this site. Thanks Rachel. The website is beautiful.