Once a month is just fine. You always have something interesting to say, and it's well written, and I love the "What I'm Reading" segment and where it takes me (or not!). I have actually unsubscribed from newsletters because they just come too often and pile up unread. Which goes to show that you can't please everyone. So you do you, Dianne!

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Happy New Year, Diane! I love your once a month newsletter. Morsels of inspo and info that guide, inform, entertain and nourish. Have a beautiful day and year!

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Once or twice a month is perfect. Even if you have something wonderful to say, every day is too often. These type of newsletters tend to pile up in my inbox and often go unread. The also can beocme a burden for the writer. No need to follow the pack -- Do what works for you. Thanks.

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Hi Dianne, all the best for 2023 to you. I’m no professional but an avid follower of newsletters on food, cooking and writing. I’m very happy with a monthly newsletter. This one I read. I find daily or even weekly ones indeed cluttering my mailbox

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Happy New Year! Weekly and shorter, is nice, but honestly, I’ve been in the position of publishing newsletters in the past—they can be a pain, so whatever works best for you Dianne! I enjoy them when they come, and I don’t lose interest if they don’t come daily or weekly.

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Every day is w-a-a-a-a-y too often. Every two weeks is close to perfect. Once per month is also fine.

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A long one once a month is good. That said weekly or fortnightly would be good too as your newsletter is interesting. Happy new year!

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A daily newsletter? I would drop that in a heartbeat! I have been thinking about switching to two a month. Each a different focus. Personal essay and work-in-progress. The question is what is your newsletter for? What kind of content is it? How much time are you asking people to spend? I like your newsletter because it is thoughtful and substantive, I look forward to reading it.

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Once a month is fine with me, but if you choose to do more, that's also fine. Write for you! We'll still be here.

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Happy New Year, Dianne! As a reader, I think daily is slight overkill - I follow folks on social media if I want to “see” them that much. Weekly is more digestible for short bits with longer monthly essays. In the end, I care more about quality and relevance no matter when a newsletter arrives.

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Agree with the comment ‘you do you.’ I get newsletters from a handful of writers I admire and I don’t read enough of them because there just isn’t enough time or energy on my part. When I do choose one to read, I really savor it. It’s very random. If you go with what works for you I have a feeling it will sync up with your ideal readers.

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Thanks for a great issue and all your stimulating posts in 2022 ❤️👏👏

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I like the monthly. People who email me often become overkill and distracting, and I either delete most of it, or end up unsubscribing.

I think it's about quality, really, and you do that well, Dianne. Shorter tends to be better overall, too.

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Once a week, don't have time for daily

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I still struggle to find the best rhythm for my newsletter, but, as a reader, I like a weekly newsletter! And thank you for the mention of Cucina Povera 🤗

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Once or twice a month is enough...

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