Like the idea of writing together and the Zoom meet ups- process of writing with critiques

thankyou for hte great choices!

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Thanks for chiming in!

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You can certainly count me in for a zoom meeting on how to get quality freelance assignments.

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Great ideas! The online Zoom meeting sounds so helpful.

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Thank you. Are there any particular subjects you would like to discuss, Allison?

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How about the cookbook process? Maybe refining recipe choices for various chapters, or what kind of recipes to include in a proposal that would give an editor (or agent) the best idea of what the cookbook is really about.

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Thanks for these specifics! Always interesting to me to know what people wonder about.

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All 4 ideas interest me. I would even pay extra for exclusive access to opportunities like "writing together by Zoom!" Since leaving Los Angeles after 16 years for an adorable town near family, I'm feeling disconnected from the vibrancy of events and ideas at places like Now Serving and Japanese Knife Imports. Online community building is very high on my list.

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Good to know, Nickie. Now I have to decide which events are for everyone and which are for paid subscribers. That will be the difference.

And that is a big adjustment, to move to a smaller town with a different culture and events. I hope it's going well, overall.

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Oh, I like the idea of writing together by Zoom. The contest idea also sounds fun!

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Great! Thanks for chiming in.

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I love the idea of Zoom sessions!

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Okay great! Thank you. What would you like to discuss?

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I like all of your ideas but am most interested in the writing process, a Zoom writing session, and receiving a critique of a sample work.

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Wonderful! Thanks.

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