you are amazing!

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Aww, thanks Rose. It's only one book. I guess I have my bible and you have yours. LOL.

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Quantity isn’t the whole story but thank you!

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Renee is the editor of my next book—I had no idea you worked with her. She’s FANTASTIC! (And congratulations on the longevity and sales!!!)

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I had no idea she is your editor! Yes she is the best. It’s always been a great experience to work with her.

And thank you for the congrats. Best of luck on getting book No. 2 out the door.

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She’s fabulous!

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Congrats on 20 years! Your book has been invaluable to me, as your in-person guidance. Cheers!

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Thank you Nico! You have made a great career for yourself as a freelance writer.

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What a legacy!!! And can’t wait for our chat.

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Should be fun -- and useful for the subscribers! Thank you Sally.

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I started with a library ebook, but found a third edition in a used bookstore. I’ve filled it with highlights and underlines and notes, and page through it often for inspiration. Thank you!

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I really love it when people mark up my book. Thank you.

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I loved your chat with Sally Ekus. It reminded me that it's years since we've been in touch and seen each other in the states at an IACP. I will be in the bay area mid April for a wedding and I'd love to get together when I'm there....

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Yes, please let me know. And i have a new chat with Sally comin up on Substack. All typing but it will be fun.

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Excellent! I’ll keep my eye out for the chat!

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Congratulations on 20 years!... I believe I have all 4 editions!

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Seriously! 🙏🙏🙏

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Amazing Dianne! I first purchased your book back in 2006 and have been revisiting it alot lately.

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I'm thrilled that it's still relevant to you, Marisa.

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