Today I’m announcing a new addition to my Substack publication: My subscriber chat.
This is a conversation space exclusively for subscribers. It’s kind of like a group chat or live hangout. I’ll post questions and updates that come my way, and you can jump into the discussion.
My first one-hour chat starts today at 4 p.m. PST/7 p.m. EST today. The subject is freelance writing for publications and websites. If you haven’t read my most recent newsletter about it, it is here.
Get the App
Get the Substack app by clicking this link or the button below. New chat threads won’t be sent via email, so turn on push notifications so you don’t miss the conversation as it happens. You can also access chat on the web. To do so, just click the “Join chat” button above.
Open the app and tap the Chat icon. It looks like two bubbles in the bottom bar, and you’ll see a row for my chat inside.
That’s it! Jump into my thread, and if you have any issues, check out Substack’s FAQ.
Wish I didn’t have a 4-7 zoom, Dianne. Am sure the conversation will be great! Toni Allegra
can't wait to see your chat thread!